A well-planned Will is the best way to ensure that your estate is distributed after your death and that your wishes are carried out. We at LMC Law, Solicitors have many years of experience and can provide comprehensive advice in the drafting of Wills and advising in relation to good and prudent estate planning. A person must have sound mind when making a Will and must know what their estate is and who they wish to benefit.
Tax planning, spousal rights, the effects of Divorce or Separation and whether property is owned jointly or separately, are all important matters to consider when making a Will, and it is prudent to discuss these matters with a Solicitor.
Every Will must have at least one executor, and this is the person who will be responsible for the administration of the deceased person’s estate.
We have prepared a checklist to assist you when giving us instructions to prepare a Will and same is attached here, please feel free to fill in or download here.
We understand that at times a person may not be able to attend an office to prepare a Will. In these circumstances we can attend at your home to take instructions and/or attend at a hospital should attendance there be required.
Other issues that we can advise on are Charitable Bequests, Inheritance Tax Planning, Guardianship Issues in relation to Children, Section 117 Applications, Challenges to an Estate and Spousal and Children’s Rights.
Should you require more information about writing your Will, please feel free to contact us on 01 8422919 or email us at info@lmc-law.ie